2021 Instructors
From one year to the next, it is our extraordinary instructors that make this such an outstanding event. 2021 will be no exception! We are working on bringing together a wonderful group of instructors for 2021. As they make a firm commitment we will be adding them to our list.
We are assured to have an exceptional group of instructors of Taekwondo and various Martial Arts which will be presenting this year. It is a privilege to have them share their vast experience and individual talents in this beautiful setting.
For the moment we still have our list of instructors from 2019, many of whom will be joining us again in 2021. Please check back for updates on the instructors as they are confirmed for the 2021 event.
Additional Instructors will be added to the roster as they make firm commitments to attend.
Grand Master Dr. He-Young Kimm
Grandmaster Dr. He-Young Kimm will join us again for a future event, we are working to schedule him for 2021, we will keep you posted!
Grandmaster Dr. He-Young Kimm is a world renowned Korean Martial Arts historian and Grandmaster of Hapkido, Kuk Sool, Taekwondo and Yudo. Dr He-Young Kimm is the Founder and President of The World Han Mu Do Association.
Grand Master Richard Hodder
9th Dan - Taekwondo
9th Dan - World Weapons Federation
2nd Dan - Hapkido
1st Dan - Judo 1st Dan - Shorin Ryu
1st Dan - Shin Goju Ryu
Instructor Level - Kali
Grand Master Hodder is the Executive Director of Taekwondo for the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation and the President of the World Weapons Federation. GM Hodder travels throughout the US teaching Martial Arts Seminars.
Read More: Grand Master Richard Hodder He has owned and operated several successful TKD school locations in Colorado and Texas. Over the years he has trained thousands of TKD students producing hundreds of high level state and national competitors and champions. Grand Master Hodder earned his 9th Dan #T-9002 through the USKMAF in 2013 from Grand Master J. R. West (9th Dan, DaeHan KiDoHwe) and Dr. He Young Kimm (10th Dan, DaeHan KiDoHwe), as well as his 9th Dan certification #09-0037 from The United States Grand Masters Society in 2014. In addition to his Taekwondo training he holds Dan Ranking in Hapkido, Judo, Shorin Ryu, Shin Goju Ryu, Kali and the World Weapons Federation. Since 1996 he has been and is currently the Executive Director of Taekwondo for the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation, as well as, the President of the World Weapons Federation. As a highly regarded instructor Grand Master Hodder travels throughout the United States teaching Martial Arts Seminars.Grand Master Hodder began Taekwondo training in 1964 and has been a student of Grand Master Ki Sun Cho and Master Tae Ro Cho since the early seventies. He has also been a student of Grand Master J. R. West since 1994. Competition highlights include 13 times as Colorado State Taekwondo Association Black Belt Champion and 2 time U.S. National Champion.
Grand Master Sean Cavins
8th Dan - Taekwondo
1st Dan - Hapkido
Additional Training in:
Han Mu Do
Krav Maga
Grand Master Cavins is the founder and the primary instructor of multiple Taekwondo schools in Summit County, with branch locations in Leadville, Aspen, and Carbondale Colorado.
Read More: Grand Master Sean Cavins Grand Master Cavins trains with Grandmaster West of U.S.K.M.A.F. annually in Jackson, MS. Where he has had the opportunity to work with many Masters of Hapkido and various other Martial Arts. He is currently a member of Summit County Sheriffs Citizens Advisory Committee, has graduated from Citizens Police Academy and has worked with the Summit County Swat Team.
Grand Master Cavins was appointed as an official Taekwondo Delegate for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He held the office of Colorado State Taekwondo Assoc. Sr. Vice President from 2001 to 2003 and was the Colorado State Taekwondo Assoc. President from 1998 to 2000.
Grand Master Mike Newby
8th Dan - Taekwondo
7th Dan - World Weapons Federation
1st Dan - Hapkido
Instructor Level - Kali
Grand Master Mike Newby is Chief Master for Delgado's Taekwondo with Master Instructor Nico Delgado and most recently was the Colorado State Taekwondo Association President.
Read More: Grand Master Mike Newby
Grand Master Newby was co-owner and head instructor of Cho's Taekwondo 1986-1996 under Grand Master Richard A. Hodder. He has trained over 100 Jr. State Champions and 37 Jr. Olympic National Champions since 1986. He currently is Chief Master for Delgado's Taekwondo with Master Instructor Nico Delgado and has just completed his post as the Colorado State Taekwondo Association President.
Master Don Kirsch
7th Dan - HapKido
4th Dan - Taekwondo
1st Dan - Han Mu Do
Student & Practitioner of Qi Gong
Master Kirsch is currently teaching Hapkido at the Texas Hapkido Academy and is lead instructor at Executive Defensives, LLC. A one time student in the Medical Qi Gong Program at the Austin Academy of Oriental Medicine, he continues to practice and study various styles of Qi Gong.
Read More: Master Don KirschMaster Don Kirsch is a 7th Dan Black Belt with over 40 years of training. His HapKido training and rank certification is under Grand Master JR West, Jackson, MS, through the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation and the Korean DaeHan KiDoHwe. Master Kirsch is also a 1st Dan Black Belt in Han Mu Do and testing under the guidance of Dr. He-Young Kimm, Baton Rouge, LA. Master Kirsch's initial Martial Arts training was in Tae Kwon Do, where he obtained a WTF 4th Dan rank.
Master Greg Everhart
7th Dan - Taekwondo
Master Everhart is the owner and chief instructor of Pilsung Tactics LLC. He teaches Teakwon Do, personal and home defense tactics, as well as law enforcement tactics. He currently holds a 6th Dan Black Belt with the United States Korean Martial Arts Federation (#T-6011) and 3rd Dan Kukkiwon. He also holds rank in Han Mu Do under Grand Master Kim. He is a 15 year veteran of a Denver area Police Department. As a senior firearms instructor there, he teaches law enforcement handgun, tactical shotgun, tactical rifle, and active shooter tactics.
Read More: Master Greg Everhart In the early 1980’s he began his TKD journey in the ITF under Master Charles Seriff. He started his first school, (Everhart’s TKD), as a Second Dan. Through the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s, he ran the martial arts programs for World Gym in Aurora Colorado and for the wellness program at Lockheed Martin Astronautics. He has taught countless seminars throughout the Denver area on women’s self-defense and teaches a program called Urban Survival in local high schools to young women preparing to head off to college. As a senior firearms instructor with his law enforcement agency, he teaches basic firearms tactics to new academy recruits as well as required annual firearms training to veteran officers. He currently holds the highest marksmanship ranking in law enforcement- Distinguished Expert Marksman. He is only the 13th officer in the 160 year history of his department to attain this distinction. Master Everhart also provides vital training to elementary, middle, and high school students on the dangers of social networking and how quickly and easily they can fall prey to sexual predators via the Internet. To date, over 20,000 students have attended his presentations in our schools and he has received over thirty departmental commendations for the work he does in the community. Master Everhart first met Grand Master Cavins over a quarter of a century ago and has considered him his instructor, mentor, and friend ever since.Master Everhart was first introduced to martial arts by his older brother and mentor, Master Douglas Everhart, in the early 70s. While serving in the military, he was transferred to Lowry Air Force Base Colorado in 1979 where he began his career as an Air Training Command instructor and taught fighter aircraft weapons systems. He rose quickly through the ranks and was awarded his Air Force Master Instructor Certification in June of 1982.
Master April Rose
5th Dan - Taekwondo
1st Dan - Hapkido
Additional Training in:
Master Instructor Rose has been on a Martial Arts pilgrimage over the past year. She is currently spending an extended stay in Hampstead MD, training in Hapkido at Global Martial Arts. Her travels throughout the country allowed her the opportunity to study and train in various styles with some of the best Martial Artists and schools. She will be back in Carbondale in time for the Retreat, with, I am certain, great tales to tell and skills to be shared!
Read More: Master Instructor April Rose She has been the head instructor at Kinetic Evolutions and has been working on developing a program that focuses on academic success through Taekwondo. Over the past five years she has been researching how movement impacts the brain, and has been developing a system designed to focus on how Martial Arts can improve the functionality of the brain. Master Rose is presently traveling throughout the United States on a Martial Arts pilgrimage.
Mr. Sage Gustaf DeAngelis Petersen
2nd Dan - Arnis
1st Dan - Gung FU
1st Dan - Kun Tao
Additional Training in:
Taekwondo • Silat
Jui Jitsu • Tai Chi • Chi Gung
Mr Petersen is the owner of Natural Born Vitality and currently teaches Vipassana meditation technique, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Arnis, Tae Kwon Do, kettlebells, bodyweight strength training, as well as Transformational Life Coaching and Body Transformation Food Based Healing programs.